167962 Medications FLEBOGAMMA DIF 100 MG/ML INF SOL 1X200ML
The product with part number 167962 (FLEBOGAMMA DIF 100 MG/ML INF SOL 1X200ML)
is from company Medications and distributed with basic unit price 27038,17 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.
Grifols s.r.o. imunoglobuliny normální lidské pro i.v. aplikaci jsou předepisovány v následujících indikacích: 1) Substituční léčba a) Primární imunodeficitní syndromy: - kongenitální agamaglobulinémie a hypogamaglobulinémie, - běžný variabilní imunodeficit, - těžký kom Neurology, childrens neurology Hematology and transfusion medicine, pediatric oncology a hematology Allergology and clinical immunology AE: Unless it is advisable to transfer the prescription of the product to another doctor under paragraph 2 in light of the effect and safety of the product, the E symbol will mark the product in the decision. The decision shall allocate the A symbol to products administered, in light of its nature, by a doctor in outpatient care. This product shall be charged to the health insurer along with the relevant intervention as a separately charged product. If advisable given the effect and safety of the product or if in the public interest, reporting of A products shall be restricted to doctors with specialist capacity, with the specialist field stated in the decision.
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